Latz Business Coaching YouTube Channel
Would you like to learn more about how to create and run a successful business? Then the business coaching videos on my YouTube channel are a great place to start!
You can subscribe now, free of charge, to receive new business coaching videos every fortnight. I am planning to produce over 100 business coaching videos, divided into 14 series, covering the topics below.
If you need particular information and don’t want to wait for the video, then please call me and I’d be happy to help you now with the details of any of these topics.
My channel is branded The Latz Report. You can watch any of my business coaching videos now by clicking on this link. Please remember to subscribe while you’re there!
Series One: Personal Growth
You’ve probably heard yourself that lottery winners often go broke. Why? The answers relate to their self worth, self perception, not listening to wise advice or having people in their circle who can give such advice. You can start your own journey to personal and business growth right now by watching this series.
> Watch Series One – Personal Growth
Series Two: Maximising Your Profit
What is the primary aim of your business? It should be to maximise profit! All the other great things you’d like to achieve through your business won’t happen unless your business becomes sustainably profitable. Discover how you can maximise your profit now by watching this series.
> Watch Series Two – Maximising Your Profit
Series Three: Marketing

When you ask many business people what they think marketing means, they’ll say ‘Advertising’. But advertising is just one aspect of marketing. By the time you’ve watched all of our marketing series you feel far more confident about what you should be doing and how to go about it.
> Watch Series Three – Marketing
Series 13: Interview Series

Whether you are a new business owner, or you have been in business for many years, an attitude to continual learning is the key to business success. It’s important to look to other business leaders to learn from their experience and their actions, so you can continue to grow.
> Watch Series 13 – Interviews with Business Leaders
Upcoming Series:
Series 4: Selling
Series 5: Merchandising
Series 6: Premises
Series 7: Stock Control
Series 8: Staff and Systems
Series 9: Book Review and Resources
Series 10: Workshop (Bike Industry Specific)
Series 11 Additional Income (Bike Industry Specific)
Series 12 Exit Strategies
Book an Obligation Free Consultation
If you need help with any of the topics in these series, or want to improve your business with new strategies and a proven formula for success, then complete the form here now, to book an obligation free consultation with Phil Latz.
Phil will meet with you for one hour, free-of-charge, to listen to your current situation. He will help you to hone in upon the key issues and strategies that will make the most impact, no strings attached.

It will only take you 30 seconds to activate change! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!