What does giving back do for you?

Chances are that somewhere in your list of reasons for starting your own business there was something about helping others, whether they be members of your local community or a certain cause that you’re interested in.
But have you ever noticed that if you’re a business owner, you’re automatically assumed to be wealthy? You’re bombarded with requests from all sorts of worthy causes!
In this video we’ll look at some systems you can implement to regain control of this area so that you do what is right for you without feeling stressed when you have to say ‘no’.
We’ll also look at ‘in-kind’ giving which can be a great win-win alternative to cash for both you and the cause that you’d like to support.
Watch Video Ten: Giving Back
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If you are struggling with the topic in this video, or want to improve this area of your business with new strategies and a proven formula for success, then complete the form here now, to book an obligation free consultation with Phil Latz.
Phil will meet with you for one hour, free-of-charge, to listen to your current situation. He will help you to hone in upon the key issues and strategies that will make the most impact, no strings attached.

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