What is the difference between urgent and important?

Do you find yourself wanting to do more things than you have time to do? Do your days seem to race by with half the things on your ‘to do’ list still not done by the end of the day? If your answer is Yes, then welcome to the club!
Just about anyone with any level of ambition will tell you that they don’t have enough time to do all the things they’d like to do. That’s not because they’re lazy. But because our time is finite.
You need to start by understanding just how precious time is. Time is more valuable than money. If I give you a thousand dollars, I can go out and earn some more money to replace it. But if I give you an hour of my time, it has gone forever.
No amount of money can buy you more time.
In this video, you’ll learn how Bill Gates, the world’s biggest philanthropist, manages his time. You’ll also discover the difference between urgency and importance and where you should be spending most of your time.
From watching this video you’ll gain new insights into managing your precious time.
Watch Video Six: Urgency vs Importance
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